What is the Global Asia Initiative?

Chinees(ch), toch?

A Research Project on Chinese Migration to the Netherlands

Supported by New York University Abu Dhabi’s Global Asia Initiative, this ongoing project will shed light on the the history of the Chinese in the Netherlands by examining archival materials and documenting “Asian” identities in the country at the present moment. We include those with Chinese nationality and Chinese from Southeast Asia, as well as second- and third-generation Dutch-Chinese who descended from Chinese migrants.

The project has three focal points: 1) Overview a comprehensive documentation of bibliography, sources, and most current research on the topic; 2) Archive Alive, a close examination of archival materials from the Amsterdam and Rotterdam archives; 3) People, Then and Now, a compilation of stories from community organizers, writers, and artists, as well as micro-histories of Chinese migrants found in the archives.

I am collaborating with Dr. Sandra Manickam and Pepijn Willemse from Erasmus University on this project. Special thanks to Dr. David Ludden (New York University) and Dr. Mark Swislocki (New York University Abu Dhabi) for the project’s inception.

The Global Asia Podcast

A series profiling the multiple researchers and research activity, in the field of Global Asia, at NYU Abu Dhabi

I am the producer, host, and sound editor of this podcast series.

Stone Inscriptions and Environmental Conservation in Qing China

This book project by Dr. Mark Swislocki (New York University Abu Dhabi) looks at Qing era steles, established for the purposes of environmental conservation and negotiating ownership. I am a research assistant on this project: reading and translating Qing era text and producing datasets for quantitative analysis.


“It’s not about you”: From Research to Story in the Public Humanities

Presenter. New York University Abu Dhabi, 2022.

More details.

Does the Environment Have a Public History? A Panel

Presenter and Panel Moderator, Confronting Environmental Change in Asia: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Conference, New York University Abu Dhabi, 2024. More details.

Theses & Publications

Master’s thesis project, “Red is the Blood of the People: Podcasting the Malayan Emergency,” supervised by Catarina Costa (NOVA Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas) and Naoko Seriu (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies).

Undergraduate thesis, “Epistemologies on the Margins of the Malayan Insurgency (1942-1989): Analyses of Selfhood, Gender, and the Jungle in Autobiographies and Memoirs,” supervised by Mark Swislocki and Samuel Anderson (New York University Abu Dhabi).

English language editor, “Beyond Medical Plurality in Bhutan,” by Aranya Siriphon and Sunanta Yamthap. Book Review of The Patient Multiple: An Ethnography of Healthcare and Decision-Making in Bhutan by Jonathan Taee. International Institute for Asian Studies Book Review.